Automated System for Classification of Environmental Situations Based on the Analysis of the State of Environmental Objects


  • I. M. Yannikov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • M. V. Telegina Kalashnikov ISTU
  • R. A. Galiakberov Kalashnikov ISTU



environmental problems, environmental mapping, combinations of environmental situations, classification of environmental situations, fuzzy data, analysis of the state of environmental objects, assessment of the severity of environmental situations


The article is devoted to the creation of automated systems for classification of environmental situations based on the analysis of the states of environmental objects. The article analyzes the existing environmental problems, the procedure for their identification, determining the degree of their severity. The main provisions of ecological mapping are given. Based on the indicators of the results of the influence of society and the environment on each other, the stages of assessing environmental situations according to different gradations of their severity are shown. The procedure for performing the necessary actions when creating maps of landscapes, anthropogenic load on the territory, maps of individual environmental problems is given. Based on the need to make decisions to improve the environmental situation, the issues of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the environmental situation are considered and substantiated. The authors propose an automated system for visualizing the spread of environmental problems using clear and fuzzy spatial data, with further creation of maps of environmental situations based on them. Rules for expert analysis have been developed to classify situations. A detailed description of the main functions of the system for classifying environmental situations, included in the system of modules, a diagram of data flows and an algorithm for the operation of the software are given. The creation of maps of ecological situations by applying a topological overlay of layers - obtained ecological maps and using the developed base of rules for classifying situations is considered. Six categories of environmental situations are identified based on their severity, and their mathematical description is given. The article shows the result of the development and mathematical description of the structure of storing rules and the algorithm for searching for rules in the knowledge base, determining the class of the situation. The implemented system is compatible with the MarInfo and Quantum GIS GIS formats. the directions of its further use in practice are presented.

Author Biographies

I. M. Yannikov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DrSc in Engineering, Associate Professor

M. V. Telegina, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

R. A. Galiakberov, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Yannikov И. М., Telegina М. В., & Galiakberov Р. А. (2022). Automated System for Classification of Environmental Situations Based on the Analysis of the State of Environmental Objects. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 20(2), 96–105.


