Shooting Simulator «Inhibitor»: Ballistic Software «Meeting Tasks»


  • S. F. Egorov Udmurt Federal Research Center UB RAS
  • Y. K. Shelkovnikov Udmurt Federal Research Center UB RAS



shooting simulator, mathematical ballistics model, ammunition, «meeting task», target location angle, position angle


Software and algorithm for calculating external ballistics for the "meeting task" with local objects, targets or lay is described, taking into account all external factors for the optical-electronic shooting simulator "Inhibitor" developed at Institute of mechanics UdmFRC UB RAS and at Computer facilities department of Kalashnikov ISTU jointly with JSC «Kalashnikov» Concern». To solve the "meeting task" problem of the simulator weapon ammunition with an element of a virtual target situation (lay, local object, target), coordinate systems of a 2D projection screen, a 3D ballistic curve and a 3D shooting range are introduced with translation from one system to another. At the same time, traditionally for ballistics, the X axis goes away. The algorithm of the "meeting taks" calculates the ballistic trajectory, taking into account, among others, all types of ammunition, the level of placement of the shooter for the mountain version and the angles of the target and course, with a step of 1 m and synchronously with the evolution of the target situation solves the problem of crossing with the bilinear surface of the shooting range (in the form of a "saddle") and plane-vertical targets or local objects. In addition to recording the hit, a close miss and the time of firing the target for subsequent evaluation are recorded. It was concluded that further research and development of electronic shooting simulators are promising due to the improvement of computing facilities and the development of software libraries in order to increase the accuracy of simulating the external ballistics of simulators for a realistic solution of the "meeting task," taking into account many external factors, expanding the functional capabilities of simulators and reducing their cost and, therefore, increasing competitiveness.

Author Biographies

S. F. Egorov, Udmurt Federal Research Center UB RAS

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

Y. K. Shelkovnikov, Udmurt Federal Research Center UB RAS

DrSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Egorov С. Ф., & Shelkovnikov Ю. К. (2022). Shooting Simulator «Inhibitor»: Ballistic Software «Meeting Tasks». Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 20(2), 114–127.


