Study of Optimization of Operating Modes of Solar Power Plants in the Power System of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol with the Possibility of Frequency Control


  • A. S. Chernyshov Sevastopol State University
  • V. V. Guryev Sevastopol State University
  • B. A. Yakimovich Sevastopol State University
  • V. V. Kuvshinov Sevastopol State University
  • A. M. Oleynikov Institute of Natural and Technical Systems



increase in generated capacity, power balance, ecology, solar power plants, solar energy, field tests


The relevance of improving the methods of RES integration into power systems is increasing every year, and therefore there is a need to improve the management characteristics of large RES when working in the power system. One of the ways of RES participation is frequency regulation in the power system. With a large percentage of installed RES capacity, this issue is relevant, since RES is of great importance for the management of the power system and ensuring the reliability of power supply. Supported by the Government of the Russian Federation (CDA RES) the number of RES withing the structure of electric energy generation grows yearly therefore increasing its effect on power supply system. Positive trends in the development of renewable energy sources require the System Operator (hereinafter - JSC SO UES) to study the operating modes in advance and work out the technical requirements for them. The experience of operating renewable energy sources in Russia is still not large enough and the regulatory and technical base has not yet been fully formed. This article discusses the basic requirements for renewable energy sources, enshrined in the regulatory and technical base and the problems of meeting these requirements. The article presents the results of studies carried out at the Crimean solar power plant (SPP) in the village of Mityaevo. In the course of the research, the SPP was tested with a general primary frequency control by automatically reducing the output active power of the power plant with an increase in frequency. As a result of the experiments, the possibility of SES participation in the general primary frequency regulation was confirmed, which is an important technical parameter that affects the operation of the power system. The maneuverable characteristics of power plants based on renewable energy sources make it possible to increase the flexibility and resilience of the power system to various fluctuations. The experiments were carried out in order to solve the problems arising in power systems, taking into account the increasing influence of renewable energy sources (RES).

Author Biographies

A. S. Chernyshov, Sevastopol State University


V. V. Guryev, Sevastopol State University

Sevastopol State University

B. A. Yakimovich, Sevastopol State University

DrSc in Engineering, Professor

V. V. Kuvshinov, Sevastopol State University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

A. M. Oleynikov, Institute of Natural and Technical Systems

DrSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Chernyshov А. С., Guryev В. В., Yakimovich Б. А., Kuvshinov В. В., & Oleynikov А. М. (2022). Study of Optimization of Operating Modes of Solar Power Plants in the Power System of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol with the Possibility of Frequency Control. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 20(2), 138–147.


