Algorithmic Signal Accuracy Improvement of Solid-State Wave Gyroscopes


  • K. V. Shishakov Kalashnikov ISTU



mathematical model, digital double, resonator, solid-state wave gyroscope, identification, different frequency, different Q-values


Possible ways to algorithmically improve the accuracy of the output signals of solid-state wave gyroscopes of reduced manufacturing quality are discussed - if their resonators have residual mechanical defects in the form of anisotropy of the elastic and damping properties. For this purpose, narrowband amplitude-phase models of oscillations of resonators at the second angular harmonic, recorded in resonant variables, were used. Next, the transition to arbitrary fixed axes, including the instrument axes of the measuring device, is made. A transition to the movable axes of the working and quadrature standing waves was also made to reveal parametric dependencies in the drift function of the output signal of the gyroscope. On this basis, seven main stages of sequential system algorithmic improvement of output signal accuracy are outlined. Among them, the article mainly considers options for combining calibration operations for systematic drift functions of the output signal with new opportunities to improve the accuracy of the signal calculation algorithm. The highlighted options are: the plotting of two-dimensional calibration functions; application of theoretical relations to reduce the complexity of calibration of the drift function; separation of drift functions into calibrated and measured parts. To calibrate the coefficients of the theoretical parts of the drift functions, different models of their identification in the mode of free oscillations of the gyroscope resonator are considered. At the same time, models of oscillations in the movable axes of standing waves and fixed instrument axes were used. Additionally, for the case of a single-electrode parametric excitation system, the possibilities of controlling anisotropy of the elastic and damping properties of gyroscope resonators in the operating mode of exploitation are briefly indicated. The task of identifying the parameters of reference models of oscillations of resonators in order to form alternative algorithms for improving the accuracy of the measurement signal of gyroscopes was also set. The development of the described areas of search for ways to algorithmically improve the accuracy of the signal of solid-state wave gyroscopes with significant residual processing errors of their resonators in practice is expected in the process of their direct development in specific operating conditions.

Author Biography

K. V. Shishakov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DrSc inEngineering, Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite

Shishakov К. В. (2022). Algorithmic Signal Accuracy Improvement of Solid-State Wave Gyroscopes. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 20(4), 34–47.


