Mode Control Model Based on Decision Matrix


  • G. A. Blagodatsky Kalashnikov ISTU
  • M. M. Gorokhov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • D. E. Dokuchaev Kalashnikov ISTU
  • E. V. Karachev Kalashnikov ISTU



decision matrix, knowledge base, hierarchy of parameters, control algorithm, radio system


The article presents the application results of cognitive radio system model for mode control. The main approach to control model is the strategy of maximum result achievement for each scenario of system application (lack of time, limitations on computing power, energy savings). The system hierarchical decomposition and its analysis by the Saaty pair comparison method were chosen as methods control model implmentation, followed by the resource consumption matrices based on the results of optimizing the parameters of the system functioning in various application scenarios. A hierarchical multilevel structure of system elements, consisting of four levels, is considered, and a function of signal transmission efficiency via a given hierarchy of system elements is introduced. Algorithm system control based on the efficiency function according to the decision matrix for four scenarios of system application is given: the full amount of necessary resources, half of the energy resource is available, the energy resource is almost exhausted, the lack of time situation. The paper considers four modes of digital data transmission, and three modes of voice message digital transmission and six analog modes of message transmission in a cognitive radio system. Evauation of signal transmission maximum efficiency for each of the considered modes is given in accordance with the proposed hierarchy of system elements. The analysis of the results of cognitive radio system operation according to the proposed control model is carried out. The paper shows that in digital modes, when controlled according to the proposed model, the decrease in efficiency occurs much more slowly than when using analog modes, in addition, in digital modes, the resource consumption rate is significantly reduced, while in analog modes it increases sharply to maintain maximum efficiency.

Author Biographies

G. A. Blagodatsky, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Assoc. Prof.

M. M. Gorokhov, Kalashnikov ISTU

Dr Sc in Physiscs and Mathimatics, Professor

D. E. Dokuchaev, Kalashnikov ISTU

Kalashnikov ISTU

E. V. Karachev, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master Degree Student


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How to Cite

Blagodatsky Г. А., Gorokhov М. М., Dokuchaev Д. Е., & Karachev Е. В. (2022). Mode Control Model Based on Decision Matrix. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 20(4), 48–55.


