Wind-Electric Installation Control Based on Vibration Drive Loading under Various Energy Unit Operation Conditions


  • V. I. Buyalsky Sevastopol State University



control, wind-turbine, height of measurement of wind, mathematical dependence, profile exponential law, loading


Necessity of mathematical model description of the electric power production considering not only wind loading, but also drive loading under different modes of energy-unit operation by computerized control, promoting improvement of reliability indicators of modern wind-generators components, is proved. The problem, specifications of mathematical relation between generator rotor angular speed and wind speed, blade position angle and power consumption that provides the required range of wind speed within 5-20 m/s is solved, blade position angle variation within 0 - 2% under generator rotor winding current variation not exceeding allowable error (2%) and taking account parameters affecting asynchronous generator voltage stability: induction resistance, reduced induction resistance; stator winding phase resistance, reduced stator winding phase resistance, was solved. Research Necessity of wind-electrics unit control by non-stationary operating modes under the conditions of change of measurement height of wind speed that can lead to distortion of output control results caused by the big error of measured meteorological values and consequently, negative effect on energy-unit vibrating loading, is proved. The analysis of researches made, concerning change of wind speed measurement height for wind-turbine USW56-100 has shown, that wind speed measured at 10 m height, below energy-unit by 14 m is 1m/s smaller than the actual wind speed that may icrease the error between actual and nominal angular speed of rotor wind-turbine from 3% to 17% that exceeds limits of an admissible error (2%), and generates vibrating loading of energy-unit drive and consequently, demands control, wind speed measurement height alteration by means of exponential law of a profile.

Author Biography

V. I. Buyalsky, Sevastopol State University

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Buyalsky В. И. (2022). Wind-Electric Installation Control Based on Vibration Drive Loading under Various Energy Unit Operation Conditions. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 20(4), 56–63.


