Development of Software for Automatic Determination of Drag on Ballistic Track


  • S. N. Iljukhin Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • V. I. Ananyev Bauman Moscow State Technical University



ballistic track, chronographs, drag coefficient, automation, flight simulation


The subject of this article is the development of software and algorithmic software for conduct and result processing automation of full-scale ballistic experiments on ballistic routes. At the beginning of the work, attention is focused on the importance of conducting full-scale flight tests of small unguided aircraft during research and design work on their development and modernization. Various methods of measuring velocity in a full-scale or bench-mounted ballistic experiment are considered. The description of the method used in this work based on the determination of the average speed on the site according to the readings of two sensors and the implementation of this method in chronographs of open or closed type is given. Based on this, it follows the presentation of the essence of the conducted ballistic experiments to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of small-sized aircraft, including the longitudinal force aerodynamic coefficient. The transition from the specified coefficient to the coefficient of drag during the experiment on a ballistic track is justified. A description is given of obtaining an analytical expression based on the law of "living forces" to determine the drag coefficient of an uncontrolled passively flying statically stable object in a ballistic experiment. An algorithm for conducting a ballistic experiment in "manual" mode is presented, and the automation elements of this algorithm proposed by the authors are presented. As a justification of expediency, a comparative analysis of the "manual" and automated variants of the experiment was carried out. The procedure for working with the developed software and mathematical software is described. In conclusion, the verification of the obtained results of the ballistic experiment with the results of digital modeling in the developed software and mathematical complex was carried out.

Author Biographies

S. N. Iljukhin, Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Senior Lecturer

V. I. Ananyev, Bauman Moscow State Technical University



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How to Cite

Iljukhin С. Н., & Ananyev В. И. (2022). Development of Software for Automatic Determination of Drag on Ballistic Track. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 20(4), 72–79.


