Sensor Selection for Oil and Gas Production Wells in the Light of Import Substitution


  • S. G. Mukhametdinova Udmurt Federal Research Center of the UB RAS; Izhevsk Oil Research Center
  • A. I. Korshunov Udmurt Federal Research Center of the UB RAS
  • N. O. Vakhrusheva Izhevsk Oil Research Center



sensor, oil and gas production, digital field, digital technologies, automated process control system, autonomous sensors, wireless data transmission, import substitution


The article deals with problems of selection and import substitution of sensors used to automate oil and gas wells. Sensors represent the zero level in an automated process control system (APCS). This task is currently quite relevant in the oil and gas industry of Russia. The oil and gas industry forms the bulk of the country's budget and is the basis of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) of the Russian Federation. The article presents the requirements for sensors used in oil wells for their effective integration with an automated control system. Wired and wireless pressure and flow sensors used in oil and gas wells are considered. Their foreign analogues are given. A domestic leader in wireless solutions for oil and gas wells has been identified - Association BINAR LLC, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Region. Currently, wireless standalone sensors cannot compete on price with wired ones. Perhaps, as a result of further improvement, their use will become more accessible and economically feasible. A variant of a wireless solution for transmitting information from sensors on clusters of oil and gas wells using a wireless data transmission node is considered. This solution was implemented in PJSC Udmurtneft named after V.I. Kudinov and tested on single injection and production wells. Variants of analogues of domestic production are proposed. Import substitution solutions for measuring equipment in the Russian Federation continues in accordance with the Program developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation from 2018 to 2025. Its implementation is necessary to ensure the economic security of the country.

Author Biographies

S. G. Mukhametdinova, Udmurt Federal Research Center of the UB RAS; Izhevsk Oil Research Center


A. I. Korshunov, Udmurt Federal Research Center of the UB RAS

Dr.Sc. in Engineering, Professor

N. O. Vakhrusheva, Izhevsk Oil Research Center

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Mukhametdinova C. Г., Korshunov А. И., & Vakhrusheva Н. О. (2022). Sensor Selection for Oil and Gas Production Wells in the Light of Import Substitution. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 20(4), 80–89.


