Comparative Study of Methods to Present the Results of Texture Analysis of Polycrystalline Materials
quaternion, Miller indices, Rodrigues vector, rotation matrix, euler angles, crystal orientation, material textureAbstract
It is necessary to use various methods of texture analysis at all stages of the technological processing of metals and alloys in order to select the optimal parameters for processing materials and obtain the necessary properties of final products. The article deals with the methods of presenting the results of texture analysis. Usually, the texture of a material is described by several preferred texture components, where the way of representation depends on the given task. The textural components combine the orientations of crystals having similar position in the sample volume. The results of texture analysis are the distribution of orientations relative to the base coordinate system. Orientation is described by four parameters: three coordinates in space and intensity, which is defined as the probability of occurrence of this orientation in the sample. Methods for representing the orientation of a single crystal by several descriptors: Euler angles, Miller indices, Rodrigues vectors, etc., each describing the rotation of the crystal coordinate system relative to the selected sample coordinate system, are given in the article. The formulae for the transition from one descriptor to another are given. The texture calculation algorithms depend on the way orientations are represented. Some representations are more convenient to use for calculations, others - for visualization and data processing. In particular, the use of the Rodrigue space allows not only to visualize the orientation cloud, but also to form textural components in it with a given accuracy by clustering. Variants of the analysis result presentation are shown in a model example. The textural components computed with high accuracy are displayed in the spaces of Euler angles and Rodrigues vectors. The orientation distributions are shown as a histogram and a pole figure {001}.References
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