Development of Software and Tools to Optimize a Manufacturing Enterprise Logistics in Food Industry


  • G. A. Blagodatsky Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
  • M. M. Gorokhov Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
  • D. E. Dokuchaev Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



transport, routing, food industry, logistics, business processes, modeling


The article discusses the logistics automation for a manufacturing enterprise engaged in food production and delivery. In particular, optimization of product delivery routes to customers. Light vehicles are used to deliver products around the city. Vehicle route optimization that delivers loads to the shipment terminal within the city. Routes are specified with maldistribution of shipment terminals on the map and limited delivery time. The enterprise delivers finished products to stores daily, reducing the cost and time of delivery will increase not only the profit of the enterprise, but also customer satisfaction, because they will be able to receive goods earlier, the goods will be fresher, which gives the enterprise a competitive advantage. The tasks of optimizing delivery routes are relevant for all enterprises in the sphere of production or trade that have in their structure fleet vehicles for the delivery of products, or enterprises for which delivery is the main activity. The complexity of finding the optimal route when drawing up a transportation plan increases significantly with the increase in the number of delivery terminals and their distance from each other within the complex road network of the city. An increase in the number of buyers increases the number of possible routes, finding the optimal route without using optimization methods becomes a difficult task. The article proposes an algorithm for minimizing the product delivery plan by reducing the length of the route. A comparison of changes in the controlled variable U with a fixed production plan Q, as well as with a change in the production plan Q and delivery plan D(R) to analyze the profitability of product delivery is made.

Author Biographies

G. A. Blagodatsky, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor of Department of Information Systems

M. M. Gorokhov, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

DSc in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Department Head of Information Systems

D. E. Dokuchaev, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Head Office, Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Systems


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How to Cite

Blagodatsky Г. А., Gorokhov М. М., & Dokuchaev Д. Е. (2023). Development of Software and Tools to Optimize a Manufacturing Enterprise Logistics in Food Industry. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 21(1), 71–78.


