Acquisition Process of a Territorial Development Management System in the Udmurt Republic in Terms of System Analysis


  • N. K. Simakov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. P. Grakhov Kalashnikov ISTU



decomposition, composition, system function, reference system, development stages, data analysis, urban policy, urban planning, process management, territorial development, management system, system analysis


This article is devoted to the acquisition process of a Territorial Development Management System in the Udmurt Republic, which can be defined as a concept of managing the territory development and urban policy, representing all the actions implemented within the framework of this event as a set of interrelated processes, each of which can also be divided into sub-processes aimed at achieving specific tasks. The complexity of the system makes it difficult to perceive. In this article, the territorial development management system is considered as a process management system, since territorial development implies a set of many processes aimed at achieving the goal. System analysis or its tools, in turn, make it possible to decompose the process of system acquisition into components (stages) that are simpler in terms of complexity. Simplifying the system perception will reduce resources, including time, spent in the process of its development. Thus, the purpose of the scientific work is to present the process of system acquisition for managing territorial development in the Udmurt Republic in terms of system analysis. The paper analyzes the existing problems characteristic of the territorial development process, and also determines the relationship between the development of territories and the urban planning policy pursued by the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The identified problems are also typical for the Udmurt Republic. The processes that make up the system for managing the territorial development of the region are determined, which made it possible to single out the basic components of such a system: subsystems and elements. In scientific work, the stages of system analysis are defined and expressed in the form of a model that is a reference for system analysis carried out in the development of process control systems. The result of the work is a model (scheme) showing the process of acquisition a Territorial Development Management System in the Udmurt Republic in terms of system analysis. The model reflects the stages of system analysis, adapted in accordance with the purpose of scientific research, indicates their content and implementation method. The use of the obtained scheme in the development of management systems for the territorial development of any region will reduce time costs and increase the manageability of this process.

Author Biographies

N. K. Simakov, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD Student

V. P. Grakhov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Economics, Professor


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How to Cite

Simakov Н. К., & Grakhov В. П. (2023). Acquisition Process of a Territorial Development Management System in the Udmurt Republic in Terms of System Analysis. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 21(1), 88–96.


