Hierarchical Structure Objects Information Systems Decision Support Developing Process
WIMP, RuP, uml, hierarchy, information systems, developmentAbstract
Application of methods for designing decision support information systems for hierarchical systems is considered. Determining the interaction parameters of methods for designing decision support information systems for managing hierarchical production and technical systems is an urgent scientific problem, the which solution makes a significant contribution to the development of technologies for designing decision support systems. The process of operation of a decision support system for the analysis of hierarchies using the full graphical interface technology, a functional model of an expert information system for the analysis of hierarchical structures is presented. Hierarchical production and technical systems are complex, which entails great complexity in the development of decision support information systems to manage them. This complexity creates the problem of "crisis" in the development of such systems for hierarchical production and technical systems. Despite many advantages and a long history of successfully applying the unified design method to the development of information systems, it does not completely overcome the problem of this crisis. To overcome this problem for hierarchical production and technical systems, it is proposed to modify the unified design method and use the synergistic effect from the combined use of structural, object and visual modelling methods in the form of a new design method - a modified system design process. The article presents the scheme and algorithm of the proposed method, the results of the analysis of its application. The possibility of its application to systems with a hierarchical structure is established. Unlike traditional models of information systems, the decision support information system model built according to the new method successfully integrates various subject areas of knowledge due to its visibility and support for object-oriented design technologies, which allows it to be effectively used to create an expert information system model for complex technical systems.References
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