Investigation of the Solid-State Wave Gyroscope Toroidal Resonator Design Parameters Effect on the Second Mode Frequency


  • I. D. Izmestyev Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
  • A. V. Schenyatsky Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



toroidal sensing element, finite element method, solid-state wave gyroscope (SSWG)


This article relates to the study of the solid-state wave gyrocope sensitive element design, made as a torus. The article discusses the most common shapes of solid-state wave gyroscope resonators. The advantageous features of the toroidal shape are determined with respect to the classical sensitive elements manufactured by turning methods. The necessity of production transition into mini-SSWG resonators by blowing quartz glass is shown, since the technology eliminates vibrations of the workpiece, and increases maximum achievable accuracy. Based on the generalization of information from foreign researchers, the technology of toroidal mini-resonators production by blowing is presented. Questions are raised about the production technology that requires additional study in order to improve the tactical and technical characteristics of the mini-SSWG, with a toroidal resonator. Using the finite element method, the relation between frequency of the second mode of toroidal resonator natural oscillations and parameters determining its shape is established. The test sensor diameter varies from 1.5 mm to 10 mm. The height takes values from 0.33 mm to 3.3 mm. An inversely proportional relation of the frequency and the diameter of the toroidal resonator base is revealed. A regression equation has been compiled. The study of the second oscillation mode, which is a working one, was carried out in order to find the optimal size ratio of the toroidal sensing element. Optimal is understood as such a shape and dimensions of a resonator that provides the required mechanical strength and gives minimum operating vibration frequency, with maximum relative displacement of the sensing element edge. The general purpose of the work is to reduce the mass and dimensions of the SSWG by using toroidal resonator and thermomechanical method of its obtaining while ensuring high accuracy of the gyroscope.

Author Biographies

I. D. Izmestyev, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Master’s Degree Student

A. V. Schenyatsky, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Izmestyev И. Д., & Schenyatsky А. В. (2023). Investigation of the Solid-State Wave Gyroscope Toroidal Resonator Design Parameters Effect on the Second Mode Frequency. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 21(2), 4–10.


