The Methodology of Research Work Execution in the Laboratory of «Biotechnologies» For Measuring The Hardness inIndustrial Water Samples
water sample, titration, boiler, corrosion, hardness, filtrationAbstract
In this paper, the hardness indicators values in industrial water samples were studied in accordance with the methodology RD 34.37.523.8-88 and the kinetics of the cationite filter was considered. Based on the method, the total hardness of technical water was determined. Hardness is determined by means of magnesium and calcium ions properties to combine into ethylene amine tetraacetate complexes. Also, the principle of cationite filter operation at different stages of the 2-stage scheme of the sodium-cationized method of chemical raw water treatment obtained by water intake from the river for subsequent use in industrial enterprises in production cycles and thermal power plants for generating thermal and electric energy was considered. Physical and chemical processes occurring in cation exchange filters during the preparation of raw water for industrial use at different stages of the 2-stage scheme of the sodium-cationized method of chemical water treatment, as well as methods for restoring the characteristics of the filter loading to the original characteristics after the cleaning process, were considered. Water quality control necessary for functioning when used in industrial enterprises and thermal power plants was considered. The course of experimental studies, the applied methods for determining the water hardness and the methods of analysis of the experiment obtained results the were described. On the basis of exploratory experiments, the indicators of hardness in the analyzed industrial waters and the intervals of their variation were established. As a result of experimental studies, an algorithm for performing hardness measurements in water samples in the form of a tree structure was developed, as well as a decomposition algorithm, a sequence of actions on the object of experimental data analysis. Decomposition is carried out with the help of a conceptional model, through which the experimental cycle of research was studied.References
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