Development of Technique for Piezoelectric Element Automated Selection Process


  • F. M. Al-Rufaee Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University
  • B. A. Yakimovich Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University
  • V. V. Kuvshinov Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University



automation, availability status, capacitance, piezoelectric element, algorithm, piezoactuator


Iezoelectric elements are one of the most popular electronic components in use and are used in many electronic devices. These devices are very effectively used in medicine, education, construction, the oil and gas industry, military equipment, metrology, and many other fields. They are part of devices that provide diagnostics of various human organs, measure the flow of pumped liquids and gases, and utilize the mechanical energy of a person and vehicles for the purpose of its subsequent conversion into electrical energy. Currently, manufacturers of piezoelectric elements present a large number of various models on the Russian market that can satisfy any customer request. The orientation of developers of electronic devices that use piezoelectric elements, is quite difficult. In addition, great difficulties arise in the selection of piezoelectric elements at the present time, when many models have become unavailable for purchase within the country. To evaluate several models of piezoelectric elements in the shortest possible time, taking into account the analysis of a large amount of data, is very difficult and time-consuming, as well as involving a large team of specialized experts for analysis. To optimize the choice of the most appropriate model and save time and human resources, an automated control system for the selection of piezoelectric elements has been implemented. The proposed system takes into account a set of the most significant properties of piezoelectric elements as well as the possibility of their purchase (availability) in the domestic market, which significantly reduces the time spent by companies in selecting the necessary devices. The system is one of the elements of the developed methodology for selecting piezoelectric elements.

Author Biographies

F. M. Al-Rufaee, Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University


B. A. Yakimovich, Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University

DSc in Engineering, Professor

V. V. Kuvshinov, Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University

PhD in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Al-Rufaee Ф. М., Yakimovich Б. А., & Kuvshinov В. В. (2023). Development of Technique for Piezoelectric Element Automated Selection Process. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 21(2), 93–101.


