Analysis of Photovoltaic Systems Through Simulation and Design Using MATLAB
photovoltaic cell, Solar Energy, Matlab-SIMULINK, distributed generation, photovoltaic panelsAbstract
During the operation of photovoltaic systems, a large amount of converted energy, according to various parameters, does not participate in the consumer power supply. As a result, the efficiency of solar installations and the reliability of electric power supply are reduced. This happens for various reasons, but primarily due to the imperfect operation of automatic control systems for photovoltaic installations. These systems are controlled by the information equipment of the entire installation based on software and control algorithms. The imperfection of these algorithms does not allow the full use of solar generation of photovoltaic panels and degrades the quality of operation of all the main and auxiliary equipment of the power generating complex. In the presented work, studies were carried out to improve the operation of the solar power supply system and increase its reliability. The proposed solutions were based on the use of new methods for tracking the maximum power point using high-tech algorithms to control the photovoltaic generating system. In this paper, a generalized Matlab-Simulink solar cell operation model was proposed. The basis of the proposed model is a simple mathematical equation to simulate the operation of a solar photovoltaic cell, since the output characteristics of photovoltaic modules are non-linear. The output I-V and P-V properties of a photovoltaic cell depend on the temperature of the cell and solar radiation. The physical characteristics of a particular solar photovoltaic cell can be modeled as a function of temperature and solar radiation. Numerous models use various software platforms that are available in the literature. This simulation model is very simple and easy to use. Simulation results in Matlab Simulink demonstrate the functionality and dynamic behavior of the provided solar module. Based on the study, it was found that the proposed algorithms can significantly improve the efficiency of photovoltaic installations, taking into account the use of new control methods. The power generated from solar energy converters was used more efficiently, and the photovoltaic system operated at a high conversion rate.References
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Copyright (c) 2023 М Н Аль-Малики, Л М Абдали, Х А Исса, Б А Якимович, В Н Сяктерев, В В Кувшинов

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