Optimal Control Model for Territory with Special (Preferential) Development Regime
strategic prediction, preferential regimes, multicriteria optimization, optimal control, mathematical modelingAbstract
The article presents the result of multicriteria optimization mathematical model to control territories with a preferential development regime (TPDR) development. TPDR are an institutional form of management of the spatial economy. TPDR should contribute to the outpacing social and economic growth of the regions. Implementing such functions, an effective methodological apparatus for decision-making support is needed. In particular, mathematical methods of optimal control can be used. The purpose of the research was to develop a complex model that allows to make an indicative predictive estimation of the main parameters of the TPDR, as well as multi-criteria optimization. The model is designed to solve the problem of choosing an acceptable control strategy from a discrete set of feasible alternatives. The research used two groups of methodological foundations: deterministic methods of predictive estimation of parameters, as well as methods of vector multicriteria optimization using a generalized criterion. The article provides an example of a numerical implementation of the TPDR control model, which was developed as a part of the study. This example illustrates the practical applicability of the model and the result of multi-objective optimization. The optimization problem was solved from the position of restrained pessimism of the decision maker based on the generalized maximin criterion, the minimax regret criterion, and the optimism-pessimism criterion. The proposed mathematical model of multicriteria optimization provides a comprehensive representation of the main economic factors of the optimal control of the TPRR and contributes the formation of a set of acceptable alternatives, as well as system analysis from the standpoint of rational management. Also, the model reveals the structural and functional content of the TPDR management mechanism and explicates the composition of significant economic parameters. This determines the importance of the model as the basis for the development of an information-analytical system for the optimal control of TPDR.References
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