Applicability Evaluation of Natural Gas State Equations at Low Temperatures


  • R. I. Ganiev Kazan National Research Technological University
  • D. Y. Kutovoy Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC
  • V. A. Fafurin Kazan National Research Technological University
  • M. L. Shustrova Kazan National Research Technological University
  • V. B. Yavkin Kazan National Research Technological University



error, natural gas, flow metering, compressibility factor, state equation


The paper analyzes the possibility of operating range expanding of natural gas state equations for low temperatures. The state equations of natural gas and methods of estimating the compressibility factor, entrenched in modern national and international standards, were analyzed. It has been shown that the range of their applicability is limited to a temperature value of 250 K, however, these temperature limitations is not restricted bystate equations directly butstipulated by the lack of reliable data about natural gas compressibility factor values at temperatures below 250 K and methods for complementary errorcalculation that may arise. The results of comparison of values of natural gas compressibility factor as a function of temperature at pressure of 1.3 and 6 MPa calculated by means of the most widely used state equations are presented. It was found that the results of the calculation according to the considered methods have satisfactory convergence within the range of 220 K, that generally confirms the applicability of modern state equations for low temperatures. In its turn, the effect of assumptions applied nowadays to definegas volume flow rateon flow metering error showed that application of substitutive compressibility values may result in significant complementary systematic error. This indicates the practicability of expanding the database of compressibility factor values for natural gas for low temperatures, as well as developmentof a standard to assess the value of the corresponding complementary error.

Author Biographies

R. I. Ganiev, Kazan National Research Technological University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

D. Y. Kutovoy, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC

Deputy Head of the Department for Implementation and Operation of ASKUG and Metrology

V. A. Fafurin, Kazan National Research Technological University

DSc. in Engineering, Professor

M. L. Shustrova, Kazan National Research Technological University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

V. B. Yavkin, Kazan National Research Technological University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Ganiev Р. И., Kutovoy Д. Ю., Fafurin В. А., Shustrova М. Л., & Yavkin В. Б. (2023). Applicability Evaluation of Natural Gas State Equations at Low Temperatures. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 21(3), 4–10.


