Digital Twin is an Effective Tool for Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises
digital twin, digital technologies, digital transformationAbstract
The article presents the results of a study of digital transformation processes taking place on scientific and industrial enterprises using digital twin technology. The degree of introduction of digital technologies and the level of labor productivity in the developed countries and in Russia were considered. The concept, definition, properties and characteristics of digital twin technology were studied. The applied methods of digital design and modeling in the digital twintechnology were investigated. The author analyzes the features of creation, functionality, and the advantages of digital twin technology at various stages of the object's life cycle - during design, production and operation. Practical examples of digital twins application in the domestic industry are given: the design of a premium-class car of the "Tuple" project, the optimization of technological grinding operations of product manufacturing, the introduction of a predictive prognostic system and monitoring of modern high-tech equipment of the combined-cycle unit of the Izhevsk CHP-1 PSU for monitoring the operational condition, reliable forecasting of technological processes, protection from incidents and accidents. The application of digital twin technology as a training complex to train the operational personnel of industrial facilities based on modeling of rarely encountered and critically dangerous operating modes of industrial facilities is investigated. The Russian market of digital design and modeling is studied and key leaders were identified. The top digital technologies to achieve technological leadership of domestic companies are summarized. As a result of the research, the key capabilities of digital twin technology and barriers constraining the processes of full-scale digital transformation of scientific and industrial enterprises are identified. Recommendations for the successful implementation and development of digital twin technology are proposed. The motivating factors of state support for the digital transformation of domestic business are summarized.References
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