Exploiting Deep Learning Techniques for the Verification of Handwritten Signatures
deep learning, authentication, signature verification, pattern recognition, biometric identificationAbstract
Biometric featuresare common measures of identity verification where signaturesarethe most used type. The digital technology has given birth to new ways of biometric identification, such as fingerprints, iris and face recognition,while dealing with handwritten signatures is still a challenging task, because handwritten signatures are more prone to forgery than other means of verification due to issues like computer error, insufficient datasets, and loss of information. This work aims to develop a system that takes a signature image as its input and determines whether the signature is genuine written by its author or forged by another individual. The system is based on a neural network algorithm called Convolutional Siamese Neural Networks, which is used for deep learning and computer vision as well as other machine learning tasks such as natural language processing and digital signal processing.A Contrastive Loss function which compares the Euclidean distance of the output feature vectors is used, and a writer-independent model is used for training and image classification. This work’s objective is toenhance the precision of signature verification and take it as a base for future work on signature verification and use it in user identification, fraud detection and prevention, and forensic investigation applications. The system can be applied in banking, government and private organizations, and forensic investigation for identity and document verification, impersonation and fraud detection and prevention, crime and judicial investigation, and passport verificationReferences
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