Independent Wind Power Installations with Optimum Control Being the Part of Wind Power Plant
control system, automation, computer program, time estimation, independent wind turbine, optimizationAbstract
Based on the analysis of the independent wind power unit control with advanced blade installation to the required angle in accordance with pitch drive motor turn-on time estimation and taking into account the parameters of inductive resistance x1, reduced inductive resistance x′2, active resistance of the stator winding phase r1, reduced active resistance of the winding phase stator r′2, aimed at minimizing the time of the phase voltage transient regulation of the wind turbine generator, so as to improve the quality of the self-excitation process and the performance of power supply under conditions of incomplete information about wind speed and electrical load characteristics that change significantly over time - a criterion for delimiting the access time has been developed for the device to change blade position in terms of proposed and main methodsto develop controlling actions. Access time differentiation is made for the effective matching of the offered and basic ways of wind power installation control blade position, and minimization of time extrapolation interval of wind stream and electric loading promotes wind speed accuracy estimation and power consumption due to steady average values of meteorological and electric and power process, and also provides control time reduction of target control parameters from an existing basic control method, that essentially reduces its participation in decision making process as the given way generates control actions with delay that leads to fluctuations of phase voltage. The software control module of independent wind unit operationwithin the structure of wind power plant with the set advanced time and taking dynamic properties of the system into account that increases voltage stability of modern wind generators for an independent operation mode is developed. The software package for controlling a wind power plant has been improved based on the power unit operation mode - an independent process of electricity generation or for the power system.References
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