Modeling and Management of Hybrid System Photovoltaic-FC-Ultracapacitors Power Systems
storage system, ultracapacitor, Fuel Cell, energy management systems, Solar Energy, renewable energyAbstract
This study shows an improved DC microgrid power management technique. The value of utilizing renewable energy has long been debatable, and this article suggests a typical DC microgrid because of the advantages it has over AC technology. A solar cell (PV), fuel cell (FC) and storage component - an ultracapacitor (UC)-make up the standard microgrid. The most important goal of the paper is to optimize the management strategy for the bus voltage with arranged power-sharing between these types of renewable energy that are used here. For variable solar irradiance and various loading conditions, the proposed management seeks to deliver high-quality energy to the load while taking into consideration the FC state. The ultracapacitor was prepared to furnish the transient period due to the FC's slow dynamics. To maintain the DC bus voltage steady in the face of load variations, a management algorithm is put into practice. To generate the references, the management controller relies on a differential flatness method. The electricity from the ultracapacitor controls the DC bus. Earlier studies showed that the circuit of the fuel cell was integrated with a standalone photovoltaic system and discovered that the fuel cell doesn't have the same properties. In the current research, observations were made on power quality elements like voltage, current, and power for energy storage systems. With several self-definition elements of the photovoltaic, fuel cell, and ultracapacitor, along with their parameters, simulation is used as the study method medium. The outcome demonstrates that since the ultracapacitor serves as the primary storage, the fuel cell integration has little impact on it, and only small changes in voltage and current were observed. Due to the fuel cell integration characteristic of providing the system a major perturbation, most perturbation from the system had been absorbed while in an ultracapacitorReferences
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Copyright (c) 2023 Хайдер Абдулсахиб Исса, Лаит Мохаммед Абдали, Муатаз Кассим Аль-Малики, Борис Анатольевич Якимович, Владимир Владиславович Кувшинов

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