Monitoring and Diagnostic Method for Maintaining the Operation Parameters of a Solar Module under Non-Uniform Illumination


  • O. M. Mirsaetov Institute of Oil and Gas named after M.S. Gutseriev of Udmurt State University
  • V. V. Zinov'ev Institute of Oil and Gas named after M.S. Gutseriev of Udmurt State University



solar module diagnosis, non-uniform illumination, photovoltaic cell, Solar Energy


The most well-known methods for diagnosing solar modules are considered; it is shown that the described diagnostic methods do not allow identifying defects that develop over a long time. The operation of photovoltaic cells under non-uniform illumination is analyzed. It has been shown that the operation of solar modules under non-uniform illumination can lead to thermal damage to semiconductor materials and deterioration in the module energy characteristics due to the fact that some of the photovoltaic cells located at reduced energy illumination become a parasitic load for more illuminated photovoltaic cells included in such module. An analytical equation has been obtained in explicit form for the full current-voltage characteristic of a photovoltaic cell using the Lambert W-function in forward and reverse bias, which makes it possible to study the connections of photovoltaic cells as a part of a solar module under non-uniform energy illumination, where the reverse branch of the current-voltage characteristic is important. The analytical equation makes it possible to predict the behavior of photovoltaic cells and solar modules composed of them under various operating modes, including identifying the degradation process. An electronic measuring device has been developed and manufactured that makes it possible to measure the light and dark current-voltage characteristics of a photovoltaic cell, including the negative branch, in automatic mode. This reduces measurement time and the influence of external experimental conditions when obtaining the current-voltage characteristics of the photovoltaic cell. A method for constructing solar modules from photovoltaic cells under conditions of their operation under non-uniform lighting has been proposed. As a result of such selection, reliability is increased and an increase in the efficiency of the solar module in shading mode, composed of series-connected photovoltaic cells selected in this way, is achieved.

Author Biographies

O. M. Mirsaetov, Institute of Oil and Gas named after M.S. Gutseriev of Udmurt State University

DSc in Engineering, Professor

V. V. Zinov'ev, Institute of Oil and Gas named after M.S. Gutseriev of Udmurt State University



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How to Cite

Mirsaetov О. М., & Zinov’ev В. В. (2024). Monitoring and Diagnostic Method for Maintaining the Operation Parameters of a Solar Module under Non-Uniform Illumination. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 21(4), 18–24.


