Wind Power Plant Efficiency Increasing Methods in Ice Formation on Wind Wheels Blades


  • V. I. Buyalsky SBGEI of Sevastopol Educational Center “The Bay Cossack”



efficiency increase, blade mass, ice formation, transient, wind turbine, automation


Effective automated control method relevance of wind power plant in ice formation on wind wheel blades is justified for different operation modes, to minimize transient time of regulation of wind turbine rotor angular speed, so as to increase the stability of wind wheel rotation speed and to improve reliability indicators of modern wind power plant components at incomplete information of wind speed, the electric loading characteristics being changed significantly with time. The review of basic ways of wind power plant control for regions with severe winters and wind unit operation has a number of the problems related to ice formation on wind wheel blades is made. The description of mathematical relation of wind turbine specific speed, ice thickness on wind wheel blades, wind speeds and blade position angle that provide the required specific speed wind turbine within the range of operating wind speed is made. The analysis of specific speed change based on numerical test results of mathematical relation of wind turbine specific speed and ice thickness on wind wheel blades, wind speeds and blade position angle has revealed that ice formation at an edge of wind wheel blades h=0.005 m has negative effect on angular speed stability of power plant rotor with the mismatch error exceeding 2% which is inadmissible and leads to fluctuations of wind wheel rotation speed and transient time increase. A step-by-step algorithm to determine angular speed of wind turbine rotor with respect to ice thickness formed on wind wheel blades is developed, as it realizes all formulae and information components necessary for measurement and transformation of data with the subsequent development of operating influences of increasing of wind power plant efficiency.

Author Biography

V. I. Buyalsky, SBGEI of Sevastopol Educational Center “The Bay Cossack”

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Buyalsky В. И. (2024). Wind Power Plant Efficiency Increasing Methods in Ice Formation on Wind Wheels Blades. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 21(4), 42–46.


