Formalization of Natural-Technical System Characteristics for System Approach to Assess its Ecological State
ER-model of environmental monitoring, parameters of interaction of a man-made object with the environment, elements of a natural-technical system, environmental monitoring, system analysis, natural-technical systemAbstract
The increased attention of the State to the problem of environmental safety is associated with the growth of anthropogenic and man-made impacts on the environment. Reducing this impact is the goal of implementing federal-level policy documents. The achievement of program goals in the sphere of environmental is associated with the development, planning and implementation of a set of environmental measures at various levels. It is obvious that the effectiveness of these measures is largely determined by the completeness and reliability of current and forecast information on the state of the environment in areas subject to negative impacts (primarily pollution) from industrial enterprises, economic and other activities. In order to obtain such information, environmental monitoring of the territory is carried out. The aspects of the impact of a man-made object on the environment within the framework of a unified natural and technical system are considered. Two main approaches to the organization of the monitoring system for the state of the environment in the zone of technogenic influence are identified. The purpose of the first one is to monitor the implementation of the negative environmental impact standards established for the given facility. The second approach is aimed at identifying and assessing negative changes in the natural environment itself at an early stage of their occurring. At the same time, environmental monitoring acts as a feedback channel. The following main parameters characterizing the interaction of a technogenic object with the environment are described: types of negative impact; coordinates of sources of negative impact; lists of pollutants; intensity of exposure; type of natural environment; coordinates of monitoring points (sampling points); list of controlled indicators; current values of controlled indicators; name of ecosystems; coordinates of biomonitoring sites. Based on the selected parameters, an ER-model of environmental monitoring of the territory of the natural-technical system is developed. It is noted that the built-in ER-model can be the basis for creating an effective system for storing and analyzing monitoring information, including an assessment of the ecological state of the territory of the natural-technical system and a forecast of its changes.References
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