Patent Landscape Study Results in Relation to Analyzing and Optimizing Methods and Devices for Technological Processes


  • A. A. Danilova Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
  • A. N. Dombrachev Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University



patent landscape, timing, enterprise patent activity, Knowledge Engineering, mechanical engineering, labor intensity, production system


Difficult economic situation that has developed for most Russian companies in the market today requires new ways of ensuring their competitiveness, including import substitution of high-tech products previously being produced by foreign corporations in such industries as: machine-tool engineering, heavy engineering, textile production, electronic industry and medical production. Today, there are many different tools that help improve the company efficiency, including engineering enterprises, one of them is the audit of their production processes. Audit being a tool to implement the concept of business management process rationalization, also known as «lean production», allows you to monitor and adjust changes in technological processes, clarify planned production programs and make justified and balanced management decisions; in domestic research, the concept of rationalizing business process management is also commonly called scientific labor organization (SLO). The real interest of enterprises to the development of existing and design of new audit methods, as well as the need to create technical means for implementing these methods in practice, can be assessed by both on the basis of information search for scientific and technical documents devoted to effectiveness evaluation of production systems, published in peer-reviewed journals or in the form of monographs, and based on an analysis of the patent activity of technical solutions applicable for the implementation of lean manufacturing tools in production conditions. In this article, the authors examine the results of information and analytical studies of patent activity in the field of methods and devices for analyzing and optimizing technological processes for manufacturing high-tech products at mechanical engineering enterprises.

Author Biographies

A. A. Danilova, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Senior Lecturer

A. N. Dombrachev, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Danilova А. А., & Dombrachev А. Н. (2024). Patent Landscape Study Results in Relation to Analyzing and Optimizing Methods and Devices for Technological Processes. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 21(4), 53–59.


