Intelligent System Development for Plant Cultivation Complex by Means of the Internet of Things Concept
user interface, microcontroller, EasyEDA web service environment, plant cultivation complex, internet of things, intelligent systemAbstract
The article presents a problem solution of plant cultivation automation using the Internet of Things concept. Using an intelligent system to control a hydroponics installation allows you to increase the energy efficiency of growing plants by introduction of intelligent technologies. The application of the Internet of Things concept allows a more qualitative approach to the search and application of methods of rational modern production. This concept allows the collected data to be Wi-Fi transferred from the microcontroller to a computer via a server, which is very effective in environments with large number of sensors. In this case, both time and material costs per share of production are significantly reduced. The work identified the requirements for a recording and control device in an intelligent system that connects to the Internet for further data processing, configuration and execution of the operating mechanism, and stages of operation of the growing system. Part of the control system for a plant cultivation complex using microcontroller devices available on the market, such as ESP, is considered. A constructive functional design of the device was developed. In addition, it was determined that the intelligent system contains the following modules: thing (the physical controller itself - device, peripherals), network (a network of devices and communication channels that ensure the transfer of information according to network protocols), cloud (includes a server that processes client, storage and web service requests). A description of the first module is given, which includes the main controller board with an esp12e microcontroller. The second module contains printed circuit boards for the power supply and controller, which were designed and laid out using the EasyEDA web service. For the third module, three-dimensional models of the power supply and main board were obtained in the EasyEDA web service environment.References
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