Development of Scientific and Technical Foundations for Improving Automated Control and Management Systems for Heat Supply Processes


  • A. M. Petrov Fedorovsky Polar State University
  • A. N. Popov University of Tyumen; Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals



knowledge base, engineering ontologies, protégé, formalization of design processes, Simulation mathematical models, automation system, heat supply system, Norilsk industrial district


The scientific research is dedicated to the heat supply of the Norilsk industrial district and, primarily, takes into account the structural, technological, and other peculiarities of these systems' operations in the Arctic conditions. The distinctive features of the industrial district include the low temperature regime, with average annual temperatures below -15°C. These characteristics require the development of theoretical foundations for automated control of heat and power plants, optimizing the operational control of heat capacity and related technical systems, while considering the criteria of "resilience" and "reliability". The scientific article considers the modeling and formalization of the design, development, and implementation processes of an automated system for operational control and management of heat capacity to manage heat supply processes in the Norilsk industrial district. The article examines the peculiarities of the district, including scattered settlements that together represent a single municipal entity, resulting in a complex technical infrastructure that is challenging both in terms of management and maintenance. The prerequisites for the emergence of such a unified system, related to the climatic characteristics of the district, are identified. The possibility of applying theoretical foundations for automated control of heat and power plants, taking into account recursive and continuous refined analysis of the functions of simulation models of heat supply system and heat and power plants, optimizing the operational control of heat capacity and related technical systems, while considering the criteria of "resilience" and "reliability", is considered. It is noted that the implementation of the proposed system will lead to the automation of operational control and management of heat capacity at the application level, as well as to the increased efficiency of the operation of heat and power plants and heat supply systems at a theoretical level, through diagnostic assessment of the state of objects and related technical systems.

Author Biographies

A. M. Petrov, Fedorovsky Polar State University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

A. N. Popov, University of Tyumen; Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Petrov А. М., & Popov А. Н. (2024). Development of Scientific and Technical Foundations for Improving Automated Control and Management Systems for Heat Supply Processes. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 21(4), 117–124.


