Shooting Simulator «Inhibitor»: Mathematical Support of the Shooting Range Special Effects
weather conditions, mathematical fog model, gamma correction, exercise scenario, shooting simulatorAbstract
The article describes mathematical tools and algorithms for preparing for a shooting exercise with selection of a combat scenario and setting the parameters of the shooting range (special effects) for the optical-electronic shooting simulator "Inhibitor" developed at Institute of mechanics UdmFRC UB RAS and at Computer facilities department of Kalashnikov ISTU jointly with JSC "Kalashnikov" Concern". The tactical and technical task for displaying various types of shooting ranges (steppe, wooded, mountain and urban) is given, taking into account the season (summer/autumn/winter/spring) and time of the day (morning/day/evening/night) with possible illumination of the area at night and support for the "atmospheric effect" by reducing contrast and possibly of fog with precipitation (rain/snow). As a result of the work done, all the problems are solved using the gamma function and other image transformations outside the main cycle of animation of the target environment. When choosing a shooting exercise scenario, one can combine two features for different types of weapons and execute them simultaneously at different workplaces, one can view and edit the script and configure parameters (for example, disable the random location of targets or group them at short range, change the order of display, allow special combat effects and active behavior of targets, set air temperature and pressure and wind speed, etc.). A gamma function study was carried out to change the time of day of the shooting range image and models of the application of fog (translucency) and precipitation (ripples images). The literature review confirms the promise of further research and development of electronic rifle simulators through the improvement of computing tools and the development of software libraries with the aim of improving the accuracy of simulating a shooting range and flexible adjustment of both atmospheric and combat parameters of training exercises. It is necessary to constantly expand the possibilities of realism of the target situation and reduce the cost, which means to increase the competitiveness of electronic shooting simulators.References
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