Production Division Digitalization Model to Provide Intelligent Decision Support


  • D. A. Rizvanov Ufa University of Science and Technology
  • E. S. Chernyshev Ufa University of Science and Technology; Public Joint Stock Company «UEC-Ufa Engine Industrial Association»
  • S. E. Chernyshev Ufa University of Science and Technology



«Industry 5.0», «Industry 4.0», multi-agent approach, intelligent technologies, digitalization, production division


This article presents and describes a digitalizationmodel of a production division to provide intelligent decision support. The model includes four levels: the level of production resources, the level of information systems, the level of BI and the level of the decision maker.The main processes taking place in production are given. These processes relate both to the main ones - directly related to production, and to auxiliary ones - the processes of providing production with necessary items (materials, tools, blanks, components, documentation, other resources, and etc.). The problems of the topic under consideration, which mainly consists in the absence of an integrated approach to processmanaging, leading to processed informationfragmentation and, often, the lack of interconnection between the processes and, consequently, theirmutual effect,are described. Due to multitasking, as well as a large number of processed objects and connections, the use of intelligent control of these processes is necessary to ensure the successful operation of production. The main objects of digitalization of the production division are suggested. It is proposed to integrate the existing systems into a single digital space using intelligent technologies. The information about previously developed prototypes of information systems and their testing is provided.Providing production with digital technologies both in accordance with the concept of "Industry 4.0" and for the purpose of their further development and transition to "Industry 5.0" will increase the manageability of production processes and, as a result, the effectiveness of the production division. As a result, the necessary "basic set" of software and hardware has been identified, which introductionwill increase the level of digitalization and intellectual manageability of the division.

Author Biographies

D. A. Rizvanov, Ufa University of Science and Technology

DSc in Engineering, Associate Professor

E. S. Chernyshev, Ufa University of Science and Technology; Public Joint Stock Company «UEC-Ufa Engine Industrial Association»

PhD in Engineerin

S. E. Chernyshev, Ufa University of Science and Technology



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How to Cite

Rizvanov Д. А., Chernyshev Е. С., & Chernyshev С. Е. (2024). Production Division Digitalization Model to Provide Intelligent Decision Support. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 22(1), 93–99.


