State Information System for Supporting Urban Development Activitiesas a Life Cycle Management Tool for Building and Structure Construction
construction life cycle, databases, territorial development, integrated development of the territory, investments, BIM-modeling, state information system, construction, urban planningAbstract
The presented article is devoted to the issue of increasing the integrated territorial development efficiency by increasing the construction pace. The digitalization issue in certain areas of government regulation was touched upon, spheres of construction and urban planning,in particular. The State Information System for Supporting Urban Development Activities, that allows managing the building construction life cycle, is being considered as one of the tools to accelerate the pace of development. The path of system development from a closed database is briefly outlinedinto a multifunctional information system that allows you to make important management decisions in the field of territorial development. Thus, the goal of the scientific work is to present State Information System for Supporting Urban Development Activities as a tool for managing the life cycle of construction of buildings and structures at all stages of an investment project implementation. The article discusses functional modules that expand the list of capabilities of the information systemsignificantly. Special attention is paid to the possibility of working with BIM models of real estate objects under construction directly in the system. The system user's work process is described in detail with digital models of buildings and structures, presenting the types of data availablefor reference when viewing the model. The positive effect of using BIM-modeling at the design and construction stages is clearly described. The principle of interaction between participants in investment and construction processes is considered, their roles and benefits are determined. A part of the article is devoted to the legislative framework for the application of the system in question, in particular to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2021 No. 331. In the final part of the study, an assumption was madeabout further digitalization of the construction industry and its goals. The result of the research conducted in the article is presented in the form of an evidence base confirming the effectiveness of using the information systemas a tool for managing the life cycle of construction of buildings and structures.References
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