Automatic Search for a Solution in the Information Management System to Monitor the State of the Production Environment


  • Y. S. Shevnina National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET)



state management, monitoring the state of the production environment, information management system, automatic search for solutions


The article presents a method for monitoring and managing the state of a production environment based on an information management system with an automatic solution search module using a hybrid neural network. The object of the study is the state of the production environment. Monitoring and management are carried out on the basis of predicting changes within the environment state, taking into account the interdependence of the measured parameters. In addition to the task of regulating the value of the controlled parameter, there is an additional task of automatically compiling a control program depending on external parametersprovided by this method of monitoring and control. To do this, an automatic solution search device with software based on neural networks is installed in a closed control loop. This device analyzes many parameters of the production environment and supplies the control device with the required value of the controlled parameter. To analyze dependencies between parameters and predict the state of the production environment, a neural network is used, the weights and biases of which are calculated using the harmonic search algorithm; training was carried out with the gradient descent algorithm. To assess the accuracy and stability of the automatic search for solutions in the information management system for monitoring the state of the production environment, an experiment was conducted, the results of which made it possible to obtain the parameters of the hybrid model. Further study of the obtained parameters showed that its use in the control loop of the information system for monitoring the state of the production environment makes it possible to provide a high-quality and stable forecast of changes in the state of the production environment. The proposed method made it possible to obtain stable operation of the information and control system for monitoring the state of the production environment and maintaining controlled parameters within the acceptable range.

Author Biography

Y. S. Shevnina, National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET)

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Shevnina Ю. С. (2024). Automatic Search for a Solution in the Information Management System to Monitor the State of the Production Environment. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 22(2), 19–25.


