The Method for Obtaining Shot Cloud Time Span and Range Dependence
rayleigh distribution, simulation model, signal, optical sensor, light screen, time span, shot cloudAbstract
When studying the behavior of a shot cloud in space, a variety of information and measurement systems can be applied, for example, based on light screens (photoelectronic blocking devices of a small ballistic measuring installation consisting of a linear emitter and an optical sensor based on a photodiode). To study the process of shot cloud movement in space and to assess its parameters (for example, length at a given range from the muzzle) correctly, it is advisable to have a simulation model of the optical sensor signal when the light screen is crossed by a shot cloud. Taking into account previous studies, it is necessary to know the magnitude of the scale parameter in the Rayleigh distribution describing the shot cloud in the direction of firing in time in order to obtain a similar model at some distance from the muzzle. A method that allows obtaining function of dependence of the mentioned scale parameter and the distance from the muzzle and based on real data from several optical sensors of light screens installed on the shooting track is proposed. The example of application the proposed method to obtain similar functions based on the results of processing optical sensor signals obtained in real experiments for cartridges loaded with three different shot types is given. The obtained dependences were approximated by polynomials of the first and second degree using the least squares method, and the error was estimated for various types of cartridges. Based on the obtained results, specific recommendations for the practical application of the developed method are proposed. The estimation of the confidence interval width for the expectation function of the shot cloud time span is performed. The ways of creating advanced signal simulation models from optical sensors of light screens when shooting with shot are outlined.References
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