Numerical Simulation of “Submachinegun - Grenade Launcher” Dynamic System
barrel, momentum, force, calculation step, dynamic system, shot, grenade launcher, submachinegun, numerical model, physical model, modelAbstract
In modern small arms, one of the most important technical characteristics is the survivability of barrel, which greatly affects the competitiveness of the product on the market. The task of increasing the survivability of the barrel of automatic small arms has not yet lost its relevance. Based on the modern nature of combat and the multitasking of combat operations, complexes of manual automatic weapons with the use of various external devices, such as sighting devices of various designs, under-barrel grenade launchers, low-noise shooting devices, etc., are currently being developed on the basis of a single reference sample. When designing new samples, several approximated mathematical models are currently used, that do not take into account the impact of external devices on the dynamic and oscillatory processes occurring during firing from modern hand-held automatic weapons. This article describes a physical and mathematical model of the dynamic interaction of an under-barrel grenade launcher and small arms (submachine gun), demonstrates a computational mathematical model for different types and methods of securing a device such as an under-barrel grenade launcher. The optimal computational model is revealed, allowing to describe the dynamic process of interaction of the system elements in the numerical simulation of the shot. Advantages and disadvantages have been identified, on the basis of which the goals and objectives of further work have been determined, consisting in studying the influence of external devices on the parameters of the barrel of automatic small arms, in order to improve the operational, tactical and technical characteristics of automatic small arms systems based on the development of a numerical and analytical approach, and a modular mathematical model of automatic small arms weapons.References
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