Condition Analysis for the Effective Use of Identification Algorithms of Solid-State Wave Gyroscope Resonator Mechanical Characteristic Accuracy
measurement techniques, oscillatory-dissipative characteristics, free oscillations, identification, wave pattern, resonant oscillations, solid-state wave gyroscopeAbstract
The article is aimed at analyzing the conditions for the effective use of algorithms to measure the resonator mechanical characteristicaccuracyof integrating solid-state wave gyroscopes, which include the residual values of the resonatorfrequency and quality parameters. At the same time, the main measurement modes are the free oscillation modesof the stationary gyroscoperesonator. The considered algorithms for measuring the residual values of the frequency and quality resonatorparameters are implemented via standard computational procedures for identifying the differential equationcoefficients of resonatorfree oscillations. The resonatoroscillationequations in the axes of the working and quadrature standing waves,recorded for their slowly changing amplitudes, were chosenas a basic identification model. Initial signals for the primary information preparation for identification tasks are generated in a measuring device similar to the standard one of an integrating solid-state wave gyroscope. Various problemformulations to identify the parameters of residual different-quality and multi-frequency resonators both separately and simultaneously are discussed. As a result, well-conditioned computational schemes that do not require the introduction of additional regularization of inverse identification problems are proposed and analyzed. These schemes are reasonably linked to mathematical algorithms for the primary information preparation for the identification problems to be solved, being formed in the form of arrays of intermediately calculated amplitudes of and quadrature standing waves at work. The effect of calculationerrors these amplitudes on the accuracy of identification of the parameters of different-quality and multi-frequency resonators is shown. In addition, the possibilities of improving the accuracy of amplitudecalculation under measurement noise are discussed. The revealed accuracy conditions for the application of algorithms for identifying the parameters of residual different-quality and multi-frequency resonators of gyroscopes through finding the coefficients of differential equations and their free oscillations make it possible to increase the efficiency of setting up production control methods.References
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