Solid State Wave Gyroscope Parameter Assessment at Various Production Stages
quality, multi-quality, frequency, multi-frequency, parameter measurement, production automation, solid-state wave gyroscopeAbstract
The paper considers a solid-state wave gyroscope and describes the principles of its operation. Key stages of production together with parameters of solid-state wave gyroscope, characterizing quality, are studied and analyzed. The problem of automated quality control system development is raised. The set of gyroscope parameters, physical parameters of resonator oscillation modes, is chosen. The proposed set of parameters gives full description of device quality and can be analyzed at any of key production stages. So as to develop the evaluation method for solid-state wave gyroscope parameters a solid-state wave gyroscope mathematical model, as a free oscillation partial oscillator, that relates the phase variable dynamics with physical parameters, is analyzed. The resonator intrinsic wave drift rate being the principal quality parameter of gyroscope is studied. The relation between the drift rate and solid-state wave gyroscope physical parameters is considered. The measuring diagram for the suggested parameter set is developed on the basis of considered mathematical models, the technique is proposed, and software solutions for suggested approach implementation is developed. Structure diagram and state chart for the proposed solid-state wave gyroscope measurement parameters are described. The proposed diagram consists of two components: measurement and computational ones. The performance features of each component are described. Various operation modes of solid-state wave gyroscope parameter evaluation system are considered: free oscillation mode, wave pattern rotation, operation mode, and transition processes. The problem of applicability and efficiency of the proposed solutions is studied. The example of the developed system application is given. The results of obtaining the operating mode drift rate direct evaluation and drift rate evaluation obtained according to mathematical model and evaluated solid-state wave gyroscope physical parameter are analyzed. Possible ways of solid-state wave gyroscope parameter evaluation method improvement are considered.References
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