Shooting Simulator “Inhibitor”: Special Effect Mathematical Support of Target Behaviour
Exercise assessment, firing completion, active target behavior, windblown smoke, shooting simulatorAbstract
Mathematical support and algorithms for implementing special effects oftarget active behavior and local subjects along with result analysis of performing exercise scenario for the optical-electronic shooting simulator «Inhibitor» developed at Institute of mechanics UdmFRC UB RAS and at Computer facilities department of Kalashnikov ISTU jointly with JSC «Kalashnikov» Concern», is described. A tactical and technical task is given for displaying wind-dependent local objects and fumes, to provide the realism of the targetbehavior (motion angles, defeats, return fire, evading close misses, occurrence, crawling, etc.), andarmored vehicleburning. In addition, the manager must receive complete information about the course of firing (time of firing and damage with respect totarget materialization, number of shots and errors, sight adjustment, points on target No. 4, etc.) and assess each student with control onexercise completion (magazine - shutter - fuse). It is necessary to calculate the aiming point at the moment of shooting and apply the projection of the rear sight and front sight to the target for each shot in order to control the grip, hold, aim and smooth descent skills. Theconducted studies of chromatic aberrations of special effects revealed factors affecting distortions and showed that the target situation meets the TTT requirements. The targetrealism with motion phases and angles, defeat (fall or burning), evasion of near misses, occurrence and return fire and reaction to the wind of local objects, as well as the completeness of operational informing of the leader was confirmed by military acceptance. The literature review showed the prospects for further research and development of electronic shooting simulators due to the improvement of computing tools and the development of software libraries in order to increase the accuracy of behavior simulation of the target environment and analyzing shooting results. It is necessary to expand the possibilities of special effectrealism of goals and reduce the cost, and, therefore, increase the competitiveness of electronic shooting simulatorsconstantly.References
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