Justification of Assigned Technical Parameters of AK-47


  • L. A. Galagan Kalashnikov ISTU
  • R. Y. Sakhratov JSC “Techkrim”




Kalashnikov AK-47, aggregation nodes, specifications, justification


For more than 70 years, the Russian army has been armed with the AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifle, which is called the standard of reliability achieved in the course of long-term life optimization. On the basis of the modern theory of calculation and design of weapons, based on the involvement of mathematical models of internal, external and wound ballistics, gas-dynamic theory of gas flow, the theory of impact, the planning of the numerical experiment, the absolute validity is proved for the basic technical parameters of the machine: - the length of the barrel for hitting the target on a given technical task range; - elements of the timeline in the work area of the engine automatics; - mass of elements of moving parts and their relationship; - the location of the vent hole; - parameters of the gas unit, providing the unsurpassed quality of the machine. The assigned length of the barrel is based on the unconditional defeat for the blank range of 400-600 m, as defined in technical specifications. The choice of automation engine with the side exhaust of gases is justified, precluding a shot from a rolling barrel in the systems with the recoil of the barrel and increasing the efficiency of fire. The elements of the sequence in the work area of the automation engine found at the base of the planning of the numerical experiment from the conditions of the safe operation of casings and minimum loss of speed of movement of the bolt when the bolt is unlocked. With the involvement of the planning of the experiment, taking into account the speed losses at the beginning and end of the gate unlocking, the mass of the gate frame and the gate, as well as their ratios, providing minimal losses due to strikes at the extreme points of the cycle, are found. The parameters of the engine gas path are substantiated. The location of the gas outlet relative to the breech part of the trunk ensures that the diameter of the hole remains unchanged due to the achievement of the maximum relative amount of burnt gunpowder in this zone. The parameters of the gas path (the diameter of the gas outlet and the angle of entry into it) provide the required speed at the end of the engine, which follows from the results of the numerical experiment.

Author Biographies

L. A. Galagan, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

R. Y. Sakhratov, JSC “Techkrim”


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How to Cite

Galagan Л. А., & Sakhratov Р. Ю. (2018). Justification of Assigned Technical Parameters of AK-47. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 51–58. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2018-3-51-58


