Method of Shaft Line Assembly Control with Account of Various Factors at Operation of Industrial Units


  • D. M. Tsimberov Perm Military Institute of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • A. M. Magamedov Perm Military Institute of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs


assembly, shaft line, industrial unit, technological process, efficiency


It is offered in the article to consider a number of factors influencing the assembly technological process during shaft line assembly. Based on the graph of generating the shaft line imbalances, the scientific task is stated that allow creating the algorithm of controlling the technological process of shaft line assembly. Application of a method for organizing the technological process and use of administrative algorithm allow increasing the efficiency of assembly for industrial units by 12-30%.

Author Biographies

D. M. Tsimberov, Perm Military Institute of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs

PhD in Military Science, Associate Professor

A. M. Magamedov, Perm Military Institute of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs



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How to Cite

Tsimberov Д. М., & Magamedov А. М. (2015). Method of Shaft Line Assembly Control with Account of Various Factors at Operation of Industrial Units. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 18(2), 20–23. Retrieved from


