Analysis of a Concept as Means of Forming Intercultural Competence of Students in Non-Linguistic Universities (Case-Study of the Concept “Freedom”)


  • T. G. Makarova Kalashnikov ISTU


intercultural competence, analysis of a concept, context


The article is devoted to the possibility of interaction between the process of forming intercultural competence and the analysis of a concept by means of language. The paper presents the basic stages of linguistic cognitive analysis of a concept. Special attention is paid to the contextual analysis of the social and political aspect of the concept “freedom”. The research was based on the linguistic material from British National Corpus.

Author Biography

T. G. Makarova, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Linguistics


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How to Cite

Makarova Т. Г. (2015). Analysis of a Concept as Means of Forming Intercultural Competence of Students in Non-Linguistic Universities (Case-Study of the Concept “Freedom”). Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 18(2), 133–134. Retrieved from


