Model of Formation of Political Culture of Students in the Context of General Teacher Training


  • S. Y. Trofimov Kamskiy Institute of Humanitarian and Engineering Technologies, Izhevsk
  • L. A. Cherentsova Kalashnikov ISTU


political culture, educational activities, model of formation of political culture


The authors present a model of formation of political culture for students by means of general teacher training. It is indicated that the optimal algorithm of the model implementation is to divide the process of formation of political culture into three stages: motivation and installation, propaedeutic, forming. The forming is a key stage in the implementation model. Based on the integration of procedural and substantial blocks, it provides the necessary level of development of political culture.

Author Biographies

S. Y. Trofimov, Kamskiy Institute of Humanitarian and Engineering Technologies, Izhevsk

PhD in Education

L. A. Cherentsova, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Education, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Trofimov С. Ю., & Cherentsova Л. А. (2015). Model of Formation of Political Culture of Students in the Context of General Teacher Training. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 18(2), 146–149. Retrieved from


