Conditions of Strength Balance of Gearwheel Teeth and Roller Mechanism for Transmission of Motion From Satellites for K-H-V Planetary Gear
planetary gear, roller, bending and contact strengthAbstract
The paper proposes a method for determining such a relation between parameters of a K-H-V planetary gear that ensures equal strength of gear teeth and the roller mechanism for transmission of motion from satellites. The problem was solved for multiple tooth contact, whereby contact ratio was determined from equations of compatibility of displacements and gear geometry.References
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How to Cite
Plekhanov Ф. И., & Kuznetsov И. В. (2015). Conditions of Strength Balance of Gearwheel Teeth and Roller Mechanism for Transmission of Motion From Satellites for K-H-V Planetary Gear. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 18(1), 25–27. Retrieved from