Evaluation of Production Plan Stability in the Problem of Production Rescheduling


  • S. S. Sukhantsev Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogic University
  • M. B. Gitman Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogic University
  • A. S. Elyseev Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogic University


production stability, fuzzy strategies, production scheduling


In the highlight of the work there is the evaluation of production plan stability within the production rescheduling problem. The elements of game theory and fuzzy sets theory are used to solve this problem.

Author Biographies

S. S. Sukhantsev, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogic University


M. B. Gitman, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogic University

DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor

A. S. Elyseev, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogic University



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How to Cite

Sukhantsev С. С., Gitman М. Б., & Elyseev А. С. (2013). Evaluation of Production Plan Stability in the Problem of Production Rescheduling. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (2), 123–125. Retrieved from https://izdat.istu.ru/index.php/vestnik/article/view/2218


