Adequate Choice of Lexical Equivalents in Vocational Training of the Translator (Based on the English Essays)


  • S. Y. Solomatina Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University


context, essay, lexical equivalent, translation activity, communicative competence


This paper discusses some problems of translating literary works belonging to the genre of an essay. It focuses on the necessity of accurate translation of the words denoting cultural concepts and proves that identical translation is impossible without paying due attention to the author`s individual style – the leading stylistic devices, the slant of the narration and its mood. Any word in the text interacts with other words in the text and with the whole text at large. This interaction among words determines their meaning rather than its isolated meaning. Linguistic context cites the linguistic factors influencing the meaning of the text.

Author Biography

S. Y. Solomatina, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

PhD in Philology


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How to Cite

Solomatina С. Ю. (2013). Adequate Choice of Lexical Equivalents in Vocational Training of the Translator (Based on the English Essays). Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (2), 175–177. Retrieved from


