Waste Characteristics of the Main Utilization Stages of Small Size Solid-Propellant Rocket Engines


  • S. I. Burdyugov OJSC Research and Production Association "Iskra", Perm
  • G. M. Batrakova Perm State Technical University


waste utilization, gas emissions, small size solid-propellant rocket engines


The results of investigation of small size solid-propellant rocket engines wastes formed in the process of their utilization are considered. The waste categories and ways of their elimination are presented.

Author Biographies

S. I. Burdyugov, OJSC Research and Production Association "Iskra", Perm

; OJSC Research and Production Association "Iskra", Perm

G. M. Batrakova, Perm State Technical University

; Perm State Technical University


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How to Cite

Burdyugov С. И., & Batrakova Г. М. (2011). Waste Characteristics of the Main Utilization Stages of Small Size Solid-Propellant Rocket Engines. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (2), 25–28. Retrieved from https://izdat.istu.ru/index.php/vestnik/article/view/2244


