Science Financing as an Innovative Economic Development Index


  • L. N. Izmaylova Perm Institute (Branch) of Russian State University of Trade and Economics


innovation, indicators of innovation, science funding, federal funds, internal costs, impact of innovation


The problem of performance indicators of innovative economy is raised. Science financing is regarded as an indicator of innovation development. The relationship between the amount of funding for science in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods, and their effectiveness is shown.

Author Biography

L. N. Izmaylova, Perm Institute (Branch) of Russian State University of Trade and Economics

; Perm Institute (Branch) of Russian State University of Trade and Economics


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How to Cite

Izmaylova Л. Н. (2011). Science Financing as an Innovative Economic Development Index. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (2), 122–124. Retrieved from


