Creation of Complex Mathematical Model of Cardiovascular System Response Using Cardiological Time Series on Basis of Blood Pressure


  • M. V. Abramov Tumen State Oil and Gas University
  • V. R. Tsibulsky Institute of Northern Development SB RAS


cardiological time series, mathematical model, blood pressure


The application of pulse transfer characteristics of cardiological time series on basis of blood pressure with use of convolution reversibility is considered. The complex response models of a human and a dog are presented.

Author Biographies

M. V. Abramov, Tumen State Oil and Gas University

Tumen State Oil and Gas University

V. R. Tsibulsky, Institute of Northern Development SB RAS

; Institute of Northern Development SB RAS


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How to Cite

Abramov М. В., & Tsibulsky В. Р. (2011). Creation of Complex Mathematical Model of Cardiovascular System Response Using Cardiological Time Series on Basis of Blood Pressure. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (2), 183–187. Retrieved from


