Hydrodynamic Lubrication Effect in Drawing with Application of Visco-Plastic Lubricants
assembled die, pressure pad, sizing liner, apparent viscosity, elastic deformations, non-Newtonian fluidAbstract
The calculated scheme for wire drawing with application of the assembled die is given. Diagrams of lubrication flow velocities for segments of the assembled die are shown and formulae are given to determine the pressure at the inlet of the deformation zone for different velocity diagrams. A complex approach to defining the conditions necessary for the creation of the fluid friction mode when drawing by the assembled die is considered.References
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How to Cite
Pokras И. Б., Chikurov Г. А., & Kasimov М. И. (2014). Hydrodynamic Lubrication Effect in Drawing with Application of Visco-Plastic Lubricants. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (4), 7–10. Retrieved from https://izdat.istu.ru/index.php/vestnik/article/view/2302