Analysis of Problems of Information Safety in the Russian Bank Practice at the Present Stage


  • A. L. Akhtulov Tobolsk Industrial Institute SEU HPF “The Tyumen State Oil and Gas University” (Branch of TyumSOGU)
  • L. N. Akhtulova DSc Applicant, Omsk State University of Means of Communication


automation of activity, computer networks, bank system, information safety, protection of information


The analysis of condition and development of new technologies in a problem of information safety of computer networks of bank systems is presented. On the basis of the uniform approach all parties of information safety of banks are considered: evolution of automation of bank activity, methodology of the information safety, existing methods and means of protection of the information in the automated bank systems.

Author Biographies

A. L. Akhtulov, Tobolsk Industrial Institute SEU HPF “The Tyumen State Oil and Gas University” (Branch of TyumSOGU)

DSc in Engineering, Professor

L. N. Akhtulova, DSc Applicant, Omsk State University of Means of Communication

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Akhtulov А. Л., & Akhtulova Л. Н. (2014). Analysis of Problems of Information Safety in the Russian Bank Practice at the Present Stage. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (4), 124–127. Retrieved from


