Philosophy of Modern Education: Basic Approaches and Status Defining


  • I. V. Volovik Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University


development of educational systems, conceptual philosophical knowledge, deductive and inductive logic, integrity, interdisciplinary scientific knowledge


Addressing the most common problems of the philosophy of education involves, on the one hand, the scope of reproduction and high quality human resource transformation, on the other hand, the sphere of satisfying constantly changing educational needs of the individual.

Author Biography

I. V. Volovik, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Volovik И. В. (2014). Philosophy of Modern Education: Basic Approaches and Status Defining. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (4), 193–196. Retrieved from


